Is Israel our historical enemy ?!

Dr  Kamal Allabwani
0441When John Pope II visited Lebanon during the nineties and as he knelt to kiss the earth of the land he was visiting, they gave him soil from the land of Qana massacre to remind the world of the horrible massacre that took place when an Israeli missile fell on UN tent where civilians took shelter from land battles and random shelling. A French journalist wrote commenting: It is handful of  soil that was brought from the land where the only massacre among hundreds of massacres during the past years which was not committed by Lebanese.
That intelligent journalist wanted to remind us of massacres such as Ein Al Rummana, Ihden, Tal Al Zaatar, and Sabra and Shateela…he wanted to remind us that much more Lebanese killed by Lebanese hands and more Syrians killed by  Syrians than the number that was killed by Israel. He wanted to remind us of who is killing during our continuous conflicts within the same nation and within the tribe and between the ethnic groups – those conflicts that bring only destruction, and we inherit hatred and hostility. What is going on today on our land of atrocities regardless of who is aggressor is a condemnation and shame on all of us in the eyes of the third party by all standards.
All this is because of backwardness in the Arab awareness after paralyzing the mind; it is prohibited to think, it is impossible to think about it because of lack of knowledge tools that are able to raise this awareness. The Arab people (with its current ideology) are not unified except in their hostility to each other and their psychological and sexual complexes, also they are unified in their extremism and fanatic trends. Political differences between states and within each state, illogical thinking dominates every belief, contradiction exists within every person; so what is apparent is different to what is hidden, what is said is different to the action. At the same time we hear speeches calling for unity from the Gulf to the Ocean, and we hear hostility against not only all the neighboring countries but the whole world in the same Nazi way using the same stereotyping that spread among all its victims from Arabs, Jews, Kurds, Turks, Persians and Europeans etc…. (One Arab nation with an eternal message); therefore the Arab nations have to prepare the armies and to fight the world that spends all its time  conspiring to attack the Arab nations, we think in this way as we believe that  the other party no doubt is an imperialist,  colonist, Zionist or infidel crusader Masonite. It is the ideology of the Islamic Liberation Party and its branches, and the National Baath Party and the like. We only discovered that who called for strategic equality and balance with the enemy and who wanted to resist the greater devil spent all his supply of weapons and arms killing his people in a way that made his enemy feel disgusted by the atrocities although he worked as a cheap servant for them over the decades.
We usually do not work to find what unite us through acts and reality; we never use the language of mutual interests and institutional cooperation. We usually don’t work to respect the law and preserve the freedom of the other party and his right to differ with us. Instead of this simple reality we focus on elements of alternative delusional, virtual, totalitarian, stereotyping unity based on rigid principles and the one color and the militarized society to face the common and historical enemy because the enemy is the one who grants us our unity. This is because we are a set of conflicting powers and individuals that are incapable of civilized stable gathering; therefore our common enemy defines us as a unity and not as a chaos. The revolution has only united us against Bashar but it is in conflict within itself and Syria is only united against the Zionist enemy but going through a  very dirty civil war. The Sunnis are only united against the Shite and the Alwite are only united against the Sunnis. This way all concepts are lost and all awareness is destroyed due to symbolic disturbed definitions. We lose our relations with the reality and we continue with the march of failure, backwardness, violence, fear and suppression as long as we define ourselves through defining our opposite and not as a distinguished human community.
In an article I read on Al Jumhouria website written by Yassin Sweiha as he said that my initiative to change the political paradigm and looking for the culture of peace is a dangerous one as it will change our historical identity as we are enemies of Israel.. if we become friends what would happen? Our identity would diminish! There was another article I read on Orient website by Iyad Shurbaji who praised the initiative but he objected to me as a person and swear at me only because he is practicing the instinct to hate the other regardless of what he does. The good deed comes only from ourselves and not from the other who even if he does good deed we have to fight him. This is in accordance with the philosophy of Hobz who says that the human being is the wolf of the other human and he is not the brother of the other human. We always see the other as the real competitor enemy and not the partner. As long as carefulness, doubt and hate prevails over love and forgiveness, and as long as we inherit hostilities and leave it to next generations as an element in our basic cultural historical identity; we will never see in any other except the enemy and the wolf even if this other is our brother by nursing. Instead of inheriting forgiveness and bury the hatchets as we bury the aggressor – this is the rule of universe that is ruled by change and exchange- and instead of learning from other nations that overcame its painful history and wars and started cooperation workshops that are described as extra national; we on the contrary immortalize the dead and worship their tombs and mummify the Khaliphs and renew the scars and we cry for hundreds of years,  we practice suppression over anything that is different  or changing that might touch anything that is holy fixed and which is consisted of taboos and animosities.
We are a great nation with what it owns of capabilities but very failure in reality – it degraded to fascist failed states that surpassed the cruelty of the African jungle, and the quagmires of Asia, they surpassed the Khmer Rouge, Stalin, Mao, and Nijad therefore and as closed minded individuals we have to find an exterior excuse for our failure and we embodied in our historical legendary enemy, our enemy who is devious, strong, able, knifing, and conspire against us, the enemy that control the world  and use it to fight us and we give it the shape of the devil on earth. We build our dogmatic minds on these fundamentals that are based on illusions and hostilities.
This reminds me of an American movie and the main two characters are murderers who imagine that they are followed by secret police so they ran away fast on the roads in their cars and they only discover that they are illusionists when the car jumped over Brooklyn bridge as they were flying in the air before they fell into the ocean.
Yes Israel was an aggressor and it fought and evicted people and won wars but we are not searching how it came into existence and not the circumstances that forced the Jews to immigrate. We believe that they came (during this century only) to achieve a 2000 years dream that did not move one migration movement, and we forget that other parties also fought and attacked, killed and committed crimes and they are our partners in the nation, identity, and religion  and  not only that but his responsibility to protect us and defend us. We are not thinking that we have to put an end to all hostilities such as the one between Sunnis and Shite. Are we going to keep the hostility and kill each other’s children and we rape their women  to take revenge from revenge. Do we ask the Palestinian to stay with his grandchildren as immigrants from a third degree living in depressed camps generation after generation holding on to his dream while there is no chance for him to go back not even as a body to be buried in his dream. Do we forget big groups of ethnic minorities that migrated to us and lived among us. Do we oblige the Arab world to sacrifice its development, culture, democracy, and the future of its generations and to drown in conflicts and extremism to dedicate itself to the Palestinian cause as the claimers of nationalism want? Do we keep the Palestinian cause as a peg to pin problems of corruption, suppression and failure by the regimes in the Arab world? Or do we have to plan like Iran and terrorist organizations do to get involved in wars of destruction with the Jewish state using chemical and nuclear weapons so no one can live on the Promised Land.
It is  a known fact that states are established and other states collapse, some states change their borders that are drawn through wars or through treaties. The rule of land belongs to this temporary state. I would like to say to those believers in historical right for the land and not the personal right, do we Arabs must go back to Yemen, do we forget that Abraham is a historical and cultural symbol for our nation and he is the father of Ismael and Isaac, and he is the grandfather of Jacob Israel the father of Hebrews and they are our historical partners in this land and this history, or history starts and finishes where and when we want it to.
When Mussailama wrote to Prophet Mohammad asking him to share the ownership of the Arabian Peninsula, he answered him: From Mohammad the Messenger of God to Mussailama the liar
The land is the ownership of God and he passes it to whoever he chooses among his slaves. This is the philosophy of the Messenger of God to build the collective human values and brotherhood for the just world. War starts when one party takes by force from another party something that does not belong to him according to the other party. So the victim resorts to war which is a double the loss in order to inflict loss on the aggressor (because of the violence that was started by him) more than what he gained through his arrogant act. The war at the end aims at fulfilling justice and values in spite of war, but the ultimate goal is peace and treaties that will only last through values and standards that must be respected by power. This is the deep meaning of culture to exit from barbarism to humanity. Every war should be followed by peace, and every peace is threatened by war if values are violated. This is the rule of the historical human gatherings that is based on unity and paradox at the same time.
Our problem in Syria and as Arabs in general not as individuals (such as Bashar and Gaddafi) but the culture, logic and the political mind that produced this kind of regimes and leaderships that starts with annulation of the other, fanatism, absence of freedom, totalities, fascism, worshiping statues that end up by worshiping the individual, suppression, corruption, brutality, and crime. The same brain will reproduce the same. Bashar will go to be succeeded by one hundred Bashars (totaling the number of members of Alliance forces for revolution and opposition) . If there to be a change in authority and not a change in culture and way of thinking and its system consequently the political system. I would like to quote here a verse from the holy Quran: (God will not change the circumstances of a nation until they change themselves). This means they have to change their culture, intentions and desires. This is the real revolution, and it is not only destroying the regime and the state and the social entity. Yes the people revolted on a criminal suppressive authority that went too far in its crimes, but it could not change the elements that produced the criminal regime in the whole Islamic Arab world so it stopped in the middle of the road and got lost and therefore it renewed for suppression and violence in all its historical colors and possibilities.
That is why we are witnessing such aborted change and I say without changing the cultural paradigm and without an outside help it is expected for the people of Syria to fall into a blind conflict for a long period of time. That was my catalyst to present my new vision using a different logic, hoping to find a regional and an international platform for it that will help us to rebuild our societies and our countries in a way that surpass what we revolted against. As long as everyone in the Middle East defines himself starting from his position in the conflict between the Arabs and Israel, so let us start from this definition and this conflict. The shape of the resolution for this complicated issue will reflect on the rest of the issues and historical conflicts in actual fact and the conflicts are many.
I am not blaming anyone .. I myself suffered a lot until I rid myself of this stereotyping that controlled my brain to the extent of taboo and holiness that call for immortality of conflicts instead of burying them. I was only able to rid myself of it under the pressure of the circumstances and I am not claiming heroism but I claim reality that is not always an honor or a cause for pride. It is a necessity to give a solution to suffering nation and we as politicians have to think of ways to end the people sufferings and the massacre and this will not happen if we don’t think outside the box and outside the inherited paradigm. In my opinion this is the most important part of the revolution. History is not fixed and repeated, history is changeable with time and states, and the revolution is the shortest way to change and it is the train of history.
This is my point of view and I would like to hear what alternatives you have other than announcing loyalty to Ayman Al Zawahiri or followers or copycats of Hassan Nassrallah, please don’t live outside reality, please judge people by their actions and ideas and  don’t claim to be gods that judges their existence and their right to live, you did not create them and they will not stand in front of you on the day of judgment.

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